If you're on a low income or receive Pension Credit, we may be able to reduce your bill by up to 50%.

Who can apply?

  • If your total household income is less than £23,933 and your annual water and sewerage bill is more than 3% of your net household income (after housing costs, rent or mortgage payments), or;
  • If a member of your household receives Pension Credit, and your annual water and sewerage bill is 3% or more of your net household income (after housing costs, rent or mortgage payments)

To work out your bill percentage, take your annual bill amount and divide it by your annual income (after tax), then multiply this number by 100.


Here are some examples:











x 100        






x 100




We're happy to calculate this figure for you if it helps. So we can do this, please email us at supportplus@nwl.co.uk with your customer account number, income information and housing amounts for us to check for you.

If you prefer to apply by email, please send the information listed below to supportplus@nwl.co.uk. After we receive your information, we'll be in touch with you within ten working days. 

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Account number (can be found on your bill or by logging into your online account)
  • Attach copies of your supporting evidence. See below to find out what you need to provide.


I'm employed and only receive wages


Two most recent wage slips or two months most recent bank statements showing your wage.

Self employed

Tax Credit award notice for 2022/23 or end of year tax return for 2022/23 if you do not receive Tax Credits.

Working Tax and Child Tax Credit 

Tax credit award notice.

Tenant at the property

Proof of any Housing Benefit you receive along with proof of your rent payments. (even if this is paid directly to your Landlord).

Owner of your property

Proof of your mortgage payments.

Children in the property

Proof of your Child Benefit, Child Tax entitlements and Child Maintenance payments.


I'm employed and also receive benefits


Two most recent wage slips or two months most recent bank statements showing your wage.

Self employed

Tax Credit award notice for 2021/23 or end of year tax return for 2022/23 if you do not receive Tax Credits.

Working Tax and Child Tax Credit 

Tax credit award notice.

Benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Employment & Support Allowance, Carers Allowance

Two months most recent bank statements or your latest benefit award letter.

Tenant at the property

Proof of any Housing Benefit you receive along with proof of your rent payments. (even if this is paid directly to your Landlord).

Owner of your property

Proof of your mortgage payments.

Children in the property

Proof of your Child Benefit, Child Tax entitlements and Child Maintenance payments.


I receive Universal Credit

Please provide all pages of the last two Universal Credit statements.

Usually, the statement will show the following information:
• Standard Allowance
• Housing costs
• Total before deductions
• List of other income – (Wages / Other Benefits)
• List of any deductions
• Total after deductions

Please note, we do not include any deductions being made to your full entitlement for advances/loans. This is due to the fact these are temporary and will eventually end.

If your housing costs are not included in your Universal Credit Statement, separate proof of this will be required. You can sign into your Universal Credit statements by going to www.universal-credit.service.gov.uk/sign-in.


I'm retired


Proof of your State Pension and Private Pensions.

Tenant at the property

Proof of any Housing Benefit you receive along with proof of your rent payments. (even if this is paid directly to your Landlord)

Owner of your property

If you have an outstanding mortgage, proof of your mortgage payments.


I'm retired and receive Pension Credit

You don’t need to send anything. We just need to know whether you make a joint claim or a single claim for your Pension Credit. Let us know how much your mortgage or rent it and the amounts of any other income. 


I'm a student

Proof of all student finance, loans or bursaries.

Tenant at the property

Proof of any Housing Benefit you receive along with proof of your rent payments. (even if this is paid directly to your Landlord)

Owner of your property

Proof of your mortgage payments.


I don’t have any income

If you have no income due to savings and aren’t able to qualify for any benefit support we are unable to offer you this tariff.


If you want to get some independent advice about how to manage your bills, we work in partnership with Step Change - they are a charity that assist people who are struggling financially and they do not charge for their services. You can call them for help on 0800 138 1111, or visit their website www.stepchange.org to get help online.

If you complete an assessment with Step Change, please email your income and expenditure details to us at SupportPLUS@nwl.co.uk or send them to Northumbrian Water, PO Box 300, Durham, DH1 9WQ, as you may qualify for extra support. In some cases we can write off part of your arrears.

If you don't qualify for a low income discount

Don't worry! We may be able to help you! If you're struggling to pay the bill, talk to us. Call us on 0345 782 0111 or send us a message on WhatsApp.