About Water Regs UK
The purpose of Water Regs UK is to contribute to the protection of public health by preventing contamination of public water supplies and encouraging the efficient use of water by promoting and facilitating compliance with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Byelaws (Scotland).
Within the Water Regs UK website (opens new window) you'll find a list of specialised guidelines that may help interpret the water regulations and provide detailed requirements for certain installations.
There is also a link to a document called the Water Fittings Directory where you will find a list of all water pipes and fittings that have been tested to make sure that if installed correctly they will meet the requirements of the water regulations.
Use approved products
We recommend on every occasion that only approved products are installed.
Any water fitting, which when installed, will carry or receive water from the public mains water supply in the UK, must comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws. These require that a water fitting should not cause waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of the water supply and must be ‘of an appropriate quality and standard’.
A Water Regs UK approval is an easy way to demonstrate compliance for a material or water fitting, other approval schemes are available.
For more information and the latest news from Water Regs UK please visit: www.waterregsuk.co.uk (opens new window).