
Find out how to check for leaks, who to contact if you've found one, and how to apply for a leakage allowance.

How to check for leaks

If you think you have a leak, follow the self-help leak steps or download the guide below.

Self-help leak test

Follow the steps below:


You first need to carry out an initial leak test. Are there any obvious signs of water running?

  • Are any overflow pipes, from water storage or WC cisterns, leaking?
  • Are any internal taps or appliances dripping or not turning off properly?
  • Are any external taps left running?



You'll need to contact your water retailer to help you locate it. 

Follow the steps below:


As the location of the leak is visible, in most circumstances a water retailer will not grant an allowance. You are responsible for ensuring the leak is repaired.



Before you close at the end of the business day, you need to conduct a leak test.

Take a meter reading, if safe to do so. Make sure that all internal/external taps and appliances are off and that no water is being used within the premises. Take another reading when you return the following day. Make sure that you use no water in between taking the readings.

Follow the steps below:


If the reading is the same then there is no leakage.



Where is your meter located?

Follow the steps below:


If the meter is internal then the leak must also be inside the premises. No allowance will be paid.


If the meter is recording usage when you are not using water, you may wish to call a WaterSafe approved plumber (opens new window)* to investigate the leak.


Turn off your internal stop tap and repeat the leak test.


If the stop tap is missing or inoperable, you will have to arrange to have one fitted before the next step of the test can be carried out.

Follow the steps below:


If the meter dials move after you have isolated the internal stop tap, there could be a leak between the meter and the internal stop tap.


Contact your water retailer for assistance if needed.


If the meter has stopped moving then the leak must be inside the premises after the stop tap.


You are responsible for locating and repairing the leak and no allowance is due from the water retailer.

How to apply for a leakage allowance

If you've had a leak repaired, you'll need to contact your water retailer to apply for a leakage allowance. Your retailer will pass your claim to us. 


To find out more, download our non-household leakage allowance policy below. Further information is also available in CCWater's leakage allowance guidance (opens new window)