We provide services and solutions to help your business.

Cost-effective and high quality services and solutions to support your business.

What we offer

NWG Total Water Solutions helps:

  • protect your business water supply
  • ensures compliance with legionella risk assessments
  • reduces water costs with a usage and efficiency solutions


Would you like to know more? Visit www.totalwatersolutions.co.uk

Making sure liquid waste is dealt with safely, sustainably and cost effectively is a major responsibility for businesses.


Our sewage treatment centre at Bran Sands, Teesside, is leading the way with its sustainable approach to waste treatment.


Find out more at www.totalwatersolutiuons.co.uk.

NWG Scientific Services offers a range of services including analysis for:

  • potable waters
  • wastewaters and effluents
  • air samples, and
  • solids, for both chemical and microbiological tests


If you would like more information, visit www.nwss-labs.co.uk.

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